A guide to applying for PF-UA membership registration
 (※This is a guide for persons who are not registered as users.)

    Persons who are interested in the activities of PF-UA can apply to join through KEK’s joint users’ support system (KRS). Persons already registered as PF users through KRS need not apply. For details, refer to Articles 5 and 6 of the PF-UA Bylaws.

    1. Please apply to register as a user at the following website:
    <KEK’s joint users’ support system (KRS)>
    ※When you click “Agree” at the bottom, you will see the user registration form.
    Please input your personal information, etc., on the page for new user registration.

    2. Please input [Nature of Visit] as follows:

    ・Administrative year of your visit to KEK (*) Administrative year when you apply
    ・Primary purpose of visit to KEK Tsukuba/Others
    ・Project Others, Others
    ・Proposal/Experiment No (*) IMSS-PF
    ・Period of Stay From the day of application to the
    end of the administrative year (March 31)
    ・Contact department in KEK Institute of Materials Structure Science
    (Photon Factory)
    ・Contact person in KEK Noriyuki Igarashi
    ・Contact number in KEK 4712
    ・During your time at KEK do you intend to
     enter a Radiation Controlled Area or work
     with/handle radioactive materials? (*)

    ・Responsible person’s name (*) Noriyuki Igarashi
    ・Responsible person’s affiliation (*) Institute of Materials Structure Science
    ・Responsible person’s position (*) Professor
    ・Area to be accessed (*)  Others

    After adding the information requested above, please click “Apply”.
    You have then completed your application.

    ※Note: If you have any questions or encounter any errors in this application process, please contact the PF-UA Secretariat (pfua-office@pfiqst.kek.jp). The Secretariat will apply on your behalf.

All Rights Reserved Copyright(C) 2012-2015 Photon Factory (PF) 2015- PF User Association(PFーUA)
1-1 Oho, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0801 Japan
For inquiries regarding this page, please contact <pfua-office@pfiqst.kek.jp>. (*Please change @ to half size when sending.)